Morning sickness. You hear about it before you get pregnant but you don’t really understand it until you are the thick of it…and it SUCKS…oh ya and it is not just in the morning, don’t let the name fool you!

And I don’t even have it that bad. If you suffer from Hyperemesis Gravidarum, I feel for you mama. My sister suffered from it through her first pregnancy and I’ve seen others suffer from it horribly. If that is your case, please contact your doctor and get on the correct medication.

I was very lucky with my first pregnancy, barely any nausea and no puking. With my second, my nausea got worse but honestly I can’t remember much because I was still on maternity leave with my 8 month old son, ha (#twoundertwo).

But this third pregnancy. Oh my gosh. My nausea was the worst it’s been. All day nausea from 4 weeks to 16 weeks and throughout a hot summer…while working and also taking care of my 2 + 3 year olds! NOT FUN.

Since this is my LAST pregnancy, I wanted to compile a list for all you mamas suffering…this is what worked for me but also what worked for a whole bunch of mamas. I asked mamas on instagram and they delivered!

Pregnancy Morning Sickness Remedies:

  • Diclectin
    My first encouragement to any mama suffering from morning sickness is to get a prescription for Diclectin (I believe in the states they call it Diclegis!) If you can’t get into your doctor for a few weeks, don’t suffer. Book an online appointment or get to a walk in. Honestly, if you have regular morning sickness, this will help. But also be aware that it makes you REAL tired.

  • Snacks Snacks Snacks
    It gets worse on an empty tummy, so make sure you are having little meals and snacks at all times throughout the day! I even kept plain cheerios at my bedside table when I woke up in the night feeling gross. Make sure you eat RIGHT away when you wake up. Don’t let your blood sugar get low or else you feel worse!

  • Plain toast/Cereal

  • Salted Crackers

  • Ginger Chews

  • Taking pre-natals at night instead of the morning

  • Stop taking Iron
    For me, iron made it worse, so I stopped taking iron until 20 weeks and I also took gummy prenatals which don’t have iron.

  • Lemon water/Lemonade
    This one helped me a lot! I remember buying sooo many lemons this pregnancy and drinking lemon water or lemonade throughout the entire day.

  • Peppermint oil/candy

  • Cheerios

  • Preggo Pops/hard candy

  • Shot of Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Vitamin B6

  • Broth

  • Graham Crackers

  • Lollipops

  • Seabands
    I wore them but honestly I don’t know if they were making any difference. Maybe a teensy bit but I wouldn’t count on it!

  • Acupuncture

  • Ice + ice water

  • Crisp COLD Green Grapes
    These helped me a lot!

  • Chips- corn chips and plain chips

  • Gingerale

  • SLEEP!
    Honestly my greatest relief was sleep! I would go to bed as early as possible to sleep off the nausea.

If you’re suffering from pregnancy nausea, I’m so sorry mama. It’s horrible but know, it will pass!!! Soon enough (if you don’t suffer from HG) you’ll hit second trimester and it will just kinda fade away!

If you have another remedy that’s not on this list, let me know!



How far along are you?

I'm in my 24th week! Can't believe baby boy is supposed to come in 15 weeks! This trimester is flying by! In 3.5 weeks I'll be entering my THIRD trimester!

How big is baby?

Baby is about a foot in length and weighs just over a pound! I have a couple pregnancy apps and they compare him to a cob of corn, an eggplant and a zucchini!


The best yet. I am loving all this new found energy. I can stay up past 10pm and I don't die the next day if I wake up at 6am. Although, I am finding it hard to be productive at night if I worked all day. Illuminate is on Friday so I know this is going to be a CRAZY week but I know God will give me all the strength I need and all the help I need too :)

It's also been amazing to know the sex of the baby. I am a type A planner and I seriously would be having panic attacks if I didn't know the sex lols. We're going to be doing the nursery up in April so I'm having a ton of fun pinning all my inspiration on my NURSERY BOARD!

This month has been the one with the least worries which is kinda funny because after my ultrasound my doctor told me that I had a low lying placenta. She didn't put me on any restrictions and told me not to worry because in 90% of cases, it moves up as the baby moves up. It can get sketchy in cases where the placenta stays lows and then covers the cervix because that means baby can't get out naturally and you're most likely put on bed rest and will receive a c-section. God has given me so much peace about it and I'm really not worried. I know without a doubt that He is taking care of my baby. (And that's not saying I haven't had fears this pregnancy..I'm actually working on a post of all the crazy fears I've had lols)

I feel The Lion (our nickname for baby boy) move around all the time and it is the best feeling!! He's usually down low but sometimes I get big kicks around my belly button. It brings me so much joy that I get to feel my sweet baby. James has been feeling kicks as well! And funny story, one night James put his ear on my belly, trying to hear the Lion's heartbeat but apparently the Lion didn't like that because James received a huge kick to his sweet. 

Food love:

My appetite is definitely increasing!!! I can eat A LOT, which was not how I rolled pre-pregnancy. I'm trying to eat healthy things but man a pregnant girl sure needs her sweets.

Food hate:

Don't really hate anything but a homemade spinach salad isn't very appealing right now.


I'm so thankful for the energy I'm experiencing because it's really motivating me to keep going to the gym! I've been going about 2-3 per week and I'm still walking to work. I'm finding things are taking me a lot longer than before but I'm so thankful I can still do them.


I'm all about showing off the bump! For once in my life, I'm proud of having a belly lols so I'm wearing a lot of tight t-shirts and tanks over my maternity jeans. I tried wearing regular leggings the other day and they were sooo uncomfortable so I'm probably going to purchase a pair of maternity leggings. I feel right now my bump is HUGE and I'm still trying to imagine how it's going to get even bigger....the human body is an amazing thing!!

What I'm looking forward to:

Our doctor's appointment today! Also we have an ultrasound in March to see if my placenta has moved up (please pray it moves up!!) so I'm looking forward to another opportunity to see my sweet baby boy on that ultrasound screen.

6 month bump update!

Hope you have a great week!



4 month bump update!

It's about time I update you on this whole pregnancy thing hey? I'm excited to give you some monthly updates that I will continue until baby Liira's arrival!

Well, first of all the day has bump has arrived!!! Clearly, I'm very happy about it as I spent most of the first trimester feeling very bloated most of the time. So hello bump! It's so nice to meet you :)

How far along are you?

I'm just at the start of my 4th month. Can't believe I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow! I feel that the first trimester went ridiculously slow and now I'm all like HOW IS IT 15 WEEKS!

How big is baby?

Right now baby is the size of a large lemon and tomorrow he/she will be the size of the pear! It's insane to think that this little baby started out as cells..makes me think how amazing God is! He knit this little one in my womb <3


I'm finally starting to get my energy back (PTL!!) yet last week I had the flu…which sucked! I hadn't been "sick" in six years so I guess it was about time I got sick again. During my first trimester I was nauseous most of the time and very tired at night but miraculously, no puking! I definitely feel like I have more energy except last night I strangely went to bed at 7pm!! I guess I'm finding my balance with how much I can handle. I try to squeeze a lot in a day and God is teaching me to listen to my body and rest when I can…and if I don't…I'm forced lols.
I've also started to get heart burn a lot!! If it's still real bad by the time of my next doctor's appt (end of Dec), I'll end up asking her for something stronger than tums.

Food love:

I feel like I'm just starting to get cravings. On Monday I HAD TO HAVE A VEGGIE CONE from a local Japanese market. Something came over me and OH MY GOSH I HAD TO HAVE IT. It's nice to actually start craving food instead of just bland crackers and bananas.

Food hate:

Strangely, I want nothing to do with pasta…especially cheesy pasta in my first trimester. There was a pasta bar in the buffet on our cruise and I literally had to hold my breath or plug my nose every time I walked by! I still don't want anything too cheesy. I also want nothing to do with leftovers or super saucy salads.


I'm still going for runs and to the gym a couple times a week! It's been pretty sad to see my pace go down but I know I can't push myself too hard. I don't want to give up though. I know you're allowed to exercise so I'm finding the balance of doing it right without over doing it.


Right now I'm still wearing my old jeans (with the help of the good ol rubber band trick). My shirts are mostly loose so I will probably be able to wear them for a LONG time. I do want some new flat boots and maternity jeans which I may purchase on a post-Christmas trip to Vancouver (HELLO TOPSHOP!)

What I'm looking forward to:

CHRISTMAS! Right now all I want to do is get into pyjamas, snuggle up with James (or Coco lols) and watch Christmas movies. Our Christmas tree is up and our mantle is decorated and I could just stay in my living room forever. I'm also very much looking forward to our ultrasound in January where we find out if Baby Liira is a boy or girl…oh my goodness the waiting is KILLING ME.

Oh and funny story….When I originally took the mirror selfie above I immediately had to retake because I was horrified by the state of my room. I quickly cleaned a bit and then took the photo but that's not real life so below is the original photo…

4 month pregnancy update!

Ha, how awesome is Coco's tail!

With love,