A couple weeks ago I got to take part in the sweetest thing...seeing baby girl in 3D from the comfort of my own home!

The amazing thing about Blooming Baby Images is they do the ultrasound in your own home!  Narissa who runs the show is so wonderful. Makes you feel super comfortable and allows you to see your baby in an amazing way. I've been fortunate to have only good experiences with hospital ultrasounds but I've heard many cases where mamas have left feeling that it was a cold experience instead of the warm one they imagined it to be. 

With the 3D/4D you get to see so much detail. Even though she was only 25 weeks at the time, I was able to see her so clearly. She looks sooo much like Luca when he was a newborn, it was so crazy!

Check out the interview with Victoria Buzz! 

Funny story, baby girl was totally curled up in a non-cooperative position at the beginning and she would not move after tons of poking and prodding. I eventually had to go on all fours and try some yoga moves to get her in a different position...which sounds totally fine but is a little awkward to do with 4 other adults in the room, lols. It worked though and we ended up getting some super sweet photos and videos of her. Anything for the shot, right!

So if you live on Vancouver Island, I highly recommend getting an ultrasound from Blooming Baby Images. You'll get to see your baby in a whole new way and be so comfortable the whole time!
