When we purchased our home, our backyard wasn't a huge selling feature. Sure it was pretty large and fenced (except for the hedges on one side). There are major trees blocking out the sun so James and I don't spend a lot of time out there.

BUT now that we have Luca we actually go outside quite a bit and I can just imagine that will increase when Luca's little sister arrives!

My hope is to do a major overhaul- new modern fence, fire pit w/ bench seating...or amazing tile patio, kid's play structure...but sadly we won't get around to any of it this summer. It's going to be quite the project because it rains a lot here over the winter, so we would need a space that could be partially taken down or would stay covered over winter!

So in the meantime, find me here dreaming about these places? And how amazing is that tile above!!!!?


For mother's day/mum's 60th bday this year, my siblings and I got together and purchased our mama a family photoshoot. Our mum raised four children and she must have done something right because we all turned out ok...lols, JK LOVE YOU MUM.

But seriously, our mum is a champion, she was a single working mama and worked her butt off to support us kiddos. I'm blessed to have 3 amazing siblings and have gained a beautiful sister in law, wonderful brother in law, gorgeous niece and incredible nephew in the deal too!

Family is a beautiful thing, but let's get real...it's also messy and holds a lot of pain too. But where there is pain, there is opportunity for healing. I look at this photo of my family and I see so much redemption. I see God's incredible work of healing and restoration. He's not done yet but oh, if you could see how far we've come, you'd get weepy. Miracles happen.

How stunning is my family!! 

All photos by Rachael Alexendra + Co (duhh!)



Is it just me or does anyone else think that summer is going by way toooooo quickly? We're almost halfway through July...and I'm kinda freaking out here! Anyone else? I thought it would be fun to round up a few summer essentials....because everybody needs a giant inflatable flamingo in their life...right!

1. Straw Bag
2. Rose Gold Inflatable Flamingo
3. SPF 40 Sunscreen
4. Blue Jays Hat
5. White Arizona Birkenstock (living in these alllllll summer long #pregnantwomandreamshoe )
6. Red One Piece Swimsuit
7. You Are Gold Water Cup

Such cute things hey!!? Would love to know what's on your summer essential list?





My baby is ONE! Actually tomorrow he'll be 13 months so this update is coming at ya a little bit late...whoops! 

This past year has been one of the craziest, most challenging yet so rewarding years. I think I've shared this before but before Luca was born, a very respected prayer warrior came up to me and gave Luca a word from God....The word God gave him for Luca was Delight. Luca would be God's delight, a delight to us and to everyone he meets....and boy is he ever. My sweet delight, sweet baby boy, Luca.

WEIGHT: 26.5lbs
Luca loves to eat !! (just like his parents lols...praying he gets his dad's metabolism, not mine!) He's now in the 97% for weight and is probably heavier now considering he was weighed about a month ago. Let's just say I get pretty tired holding him for longer than a few minutes, ha.

HEIGHT: 31 inches and I swear he's even taller now. He jumped from the 50th% in height to the 95th!! I think he inherited his dad's height.

WEARS: Pretty much wearing 18 month clothing on the regular. I bought a few things from Zara for him and LOOOVE them so much. Seriously, cutest and comfiest jeans I've seen. Can't wait to go there in August when we go to Vancouver!

SLEEPS: Sleeping through the night 7-7 still. Mostly doing two naps (one 1-1.5hr at 9am and another 1-1.5hr at 2pm) but sometimes resisting (maybe once a week?) I'm really hoping he'll hold onto 2 naps for a few more months but we'll see. When did you mama's go down to one nap?

EATS: He pretty much eats whatever we eat. I still give him pouches on the go and if what we're eating is not baby appropriate. HE LOVES FOOD THOUGH. His favourite food would probably be carbs carbs carbs (toast, fries, etc)...a man after his mama's heart!

PLAYS: And he started WALKING!!! He took a few steps before his first birthday and this past month has grown into a full walker. It's sooo cute. I'm surprised at how sturdy he is on his feet. He's had a few bails but honestly nothing crazy...yet! 
His favourite game to play is throw all our shoes over his baby gate, down the stairs....reaaaalll fun to clean up...

HIGHS: Oh man, so many highs. Obviously walking has been such a highlight. He also loves music and dancing...cutest thing to watch! But my favourite time is putting him to bed at night. Our bedtime routine looks like...bath then bottle while I put him in a sleep sack and night time diaper then brush teeth then story time and cuddles! I'm such a sucker and end up reading him like 6 stories because I just love the cuddles so much. We then have a sweet hug while I rock in the chair and sing to him...it's seriously the sweetest ever. He calms down or gets all silly and tries to give me kisses...ah! I then stand up with him, pray for him then put him in his crib with his blankie and bunny. Just the best.

LOWS: He recently popped two more teeth on the bottom. Unfortunately we were on vacation when this happened, and he was the crankiest he's ever been during teething. Thankfully he's come out of it but man, it's hard having a cranky, velcro baby when you're also 27 weeks pregnant!!

PARENTING: I love love love love being a mama and James loves loves loves being a dada. Luca has been one of the greatest gifts we've been given and yes life is sooooooooo different now but I wouldn't trade it in for the world. James and I are going away for two nights sans Luca (thanks Grandmas for taking care of our boy!)  and we're so excited to go so hard on a little Vancouver/Target getaway. I honestly don't even care that I'll be 31 weeks pregnant...baby girl is on the inside aka I can do whatever I want, whenever I want and don't have to worry about nap time....FREEDOM lols.

POSTPARTUM: Let's chat in October when I'll be postpartum again lols lols.

WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO: Oh man this will be Luca's last update until he's 2! So many things to look forward to...watching him become a big brother, seeing Christmas through his eyes, family Halloween costumes, so many more memories to be made.

It's a complete joy and privilege to be your mama Luca. I am so proud of who you are and who you are becoming. I better stop now before ALL THE TEARS!




A couple weeks ago I got to take part in the sweetest thing...seeing baby girl in 3D from the comfort of my own home!

The amazing thing about Blooming Baby Images is they do the ultrasound in your own home!  Narissa who runs the show is so wonderful. Makes you feel super comfortable and allows you to see your baby in an amazing way. I've been fortunate to have only good experiences with hospital ultrasounds but I've heard many cases where mamas have left feeling that it was a cold experience instead of the warm one they imagined it to be. 

With the 3D/4D you get to see so much detail. Even though she was only 25 weeks at the time, I was able to see her so clearly. She looks sooo much like Luca when he was a newborn, it was so crazy!

Check out the interview with Victoria Buzz! 

Funny story, baby girl was totally curled up in a non-cooperative position at the beginning and she would not move after tons of poking and prodding. I eventually had to go on all fours and try some yoga moves to get her in a different position...which sounds totally fine but is a little awkward to do with 4 other adults in the room, lols. It worked though and we ended up getting some super sweet photos and videos of her. Anything for the shot, right!

So if you live on Vancouver Island, I highly recommend getting an ultrasound from Blooming Baby Images. You'll get to see your baby in a whole new way and be so comfortable the whole time!
